Bike Day!

Kia Ora Bloggers!

In week 3, my school had bike day! I didn’t have a bike so I used the one that the worker Joshus brought. First off we had to go to room 7 and do a few activities. The activities we did were we had to find the problems on this poster. The problems that were on the poster were like people crossing the road even though it was a red light, and people riding their bikes on the road. The next activity we did was we got to play word search on paper. After we did the word search we had to grab a sticker and put it on a column. The columns had options of what we take to school and what we wanted to take to school. The options were car, bike, scooter, walk and bus. I chose car for both of them because I live pretty far away. After we did the activities, we headed outside to the bikes.


When we went outside, we had to choose our helmets.Then we had to choose a buddy. First I chose my friend Layla, then I changed buddies to my other friend Loiloi. Joshua was telling us how to check out helmets and bikes. After we got our helmets and bikes ready we started our first activity. My friend Loiloi went first because I’m not confident riding bikes without raining wheels yet, so I wanted to watch her first. When it was my turn the activity we did was we couldn’t take our feet off the pedals. I obviously wasn’t confident so I was like the second or third person out. Then the bell rang for lunchtime.

Are you confident riding a bike with no training wheels?


Helmet check:

2- fingers below your forehead.

4- fingers under your ears.


Bike check:

A- Air

B- Brakes

C- Chains

D- Directions