
Talofa Lava Bloggers!

From week 2 to week 6, Hay Park school has been having swimming lessons! We had our swimming sessions at Cameron Pools. We also had it every Tuesday and Thursday. It wasn’t very far from our school so we would walk there. The swimming teachers were Sam, Bella and Lian. My teacher was Bella. My group was Me, Zaynab, Blane, Krisha, Lorenzo, Rouie, Ayyan, Riduan and Steven.

One session we went to the nan’s pool to make currents. First we had to get a board and push it forward to make strong currents. Then me and my group all took turns trying to swim through the current. We also learnt how to fall off a boat. We had to sit on the edge of the boat and put our arm across our life jacket then hold the life jacket and put the other hand on our head. Then we just fall back. We also learnt how to float with a bottle and learnt how to make a bottle float. First we tried making the bottle float filled then we tried to make the bottle float with no water inside. Then we tried swimming on our front with no water inside and the same thing but on our backs. Then we tried swimming with water in the bottle on our front and back. Then we tried this challenge where we had to hug hold our knees under water and let our body float in the water. I enjoyed having a bit of like free time because Riduan didn’t want to come in the water so Bella(swimming teacher) tried to make him come inside the water so sometimes I would just swim around. I found breathing under water challenge difficult because I wanted to win for no reason but I was struggling to breathe under water.