Life Cycle of a Butterfly ( First post of the year)

Talofa Lava! This is my first post of 2024!

Last week, me and my class have been learning about the life cycle of a butterfly. So we did some writing about it. Eggs, Larva, Pupa and Butterfly are the different types of stages of a butterfly.




When female butterflies lay their eggs, they lay them on a leaf. When the female butterfly lays the eggs, the Larva/Caterpillar slowly starts to grow in the egg. Once the Caterpillar grows, it eats the egg to set free. They can also just hatch the egg. 


Once the Larva eats/hatch themselves out, it goes and eats leaves. They eat a lot! Most of us call it Caterpillars. Larva’s/Caterpillars have lots of legs. More than four legs! Once the Caterpillar continues to eat, they will get bigger and bigger until their skin sheds. When they shed, their skin slips right off. When they’re finished,  they turn into Pupa! 


Fun fact, Pupa’s are also called Chrysalis and Cocoons. Once they transform, they hang upside down on a branch just like a bat. When they hang, they stay still so their predators like birds don’t come and eat them. After that, their wings break free into a Butterfly! 


Once the butterfly is free, it goes and flies all around sunny days. Butterflies love to eat the nectar from flowers. Lots of butterflies come in different types of colours. Butterflies then lay eggs and the life cycle starts all over again.