Smart Image

Talofa Lava Bloggers!

Today for our Cybersmart task, there were 4 boxes and each of the boxes had a task for us to do. For the first box, we had to take pictures of ourselves, or an object. I took a photo of a yellow marker because I like yellow and I didn’t think about much. In the second box we had to draw something on paper and then take a photo of what we drew. I drew Samoan patterns because I love to draw them in my own time, I really enjoy it. For my third box, we had to draw something on Google draw using the line tools. I drew a flower using the curved line tool. For the last box we had to find an image on the Google web to put into the last box.


Here is my project:


Cyber Smart New Artical

Talofa Lava Bloggers!

In week 4, we got to make a news artical for cyber smart. We have been working around media so we make a newspaper artical as an activity for our media subject. First we had to do an activity where we had to label each part of a newspaper on google slides. We got to make our newspaper artical about anything so I chose cooking with Ms P because I couldn’t think of much.

Here’s what mine looks like: